PuceTo set a system to steer the ISD activities. To assist with the design.

  • Customized design and effective deployment of the tool for the employees. All the activities of the IT Department were identified in order to constitute a comprehensive reference system for the monitoring tool. This tool meets the “Studies and Projects” activities as well as the recurring activities of the IT Department “Maintenance and Application Support, Infrastructure and Telecoms, PMO, etc.”.The framework of activities has been enriched with budgetary attributes which will be used in particular to prepare the budget of year N + 1 and to arbitrate the medium- and long-term economic choices (outsourcing of certain low value-added time-consuming SI activities , Appraisals, other)


  • A steering mechanism to improve decision-making. Six dashboards have been predefined for use of managers and IT Department. They highlights the main items of consumption, the peaks of activity and the availability of the team. They are produced automatically according the data entered monthly.


  • A careful and convincing conduct of change lead. A chain of communication actions was submitted to support the change at the side of employees with their timesheets statement. The marketing approach of the process was submitted (logo, name, flyer) and a complete kit was delivered (including the tracking tool activity, the brochure-designed user guide and the administrator guidebook).